Beautiful tableware for alfresco dining

Sarah McKenna
Jun 13, 2022


It’s time to start planning your al fresco dining options.

This summer I shall be embracing the great outdoors, and what better way to dine in style than with some beautiful and functional tableware, which will definitely impress your guests.

I like to mix and match, I use my plates and bowls with quirky pieces I have picked up over time and I always finish with a cheeseboard of course.

You can see my own simple instructions for putting together a cheese platter here — this always impresses my mates!

The main thing we all have learned over the last year and a bit is to relax and enjoy the company!

Have a look at all my Alfresco Dining Tableware



Sarah McKenna

I am a potter based in Ireland. My work is all about linking memories, sentiment and nostalgia to transform an everyday object into a special gift.