Winter Tide Vases

Sarah McKenna
Jun 13, 2022


I launched the Winter Tide Vases in January 2020 at Showcase Ireland — they were a hit. Everyone wanted them for their shops, and I came home with a smile on my face and got making.

Then March came, and you know what happened and everything stopped, the shops shut and we stayed home and made banana bread.

As 2020 went on, I was so busy with making all the other lovely pieces, the Winter Tide Vases stayed at the back of my mind and the back of the shelves, not getting a good run at life in the real world.

So here we are, May 2021, and I have prepared a fresh batch of Winter Tide Vases.

Winter Tide Vase in Sand Colour
Winter Tide Vase in Sea Colour
Winter Tide Vase in Storm Colour



Sarah McKenna

I am a potter based in Ireland. My work is all about linking memories, sentiment and nostalgia to transform an everyday object into a special gift.